Monday, March 30, 2009

Abstract 2

Title: Abstract 2. Status: For Sale! Price: $40.00. Dimensions: 20"x24". About: So, this is the second of my 'masking tape re-invented' painting. Created from watercolors and masking tape, this painting is quite a bit larger than the first, and gets better each time I do it!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Vintage Flowers

Title: Vintage Flowers. Status: For Display Only! Dimensions: 24"x36". About: I decided to change up my technique for this one by using a small paper punch for the white flowers. I had every intent on selling it, however 2,179 paper punches and almost 10 hours of work later, I could no longer put a price tag on it. It now hangs in my kitchen instead :)


Title: Spray. Status: SOLD! Price: $60.00. Dimensions: 24"x18"x1". About: I used a painting I found at Marshalls for inspiration. O collaged paper scraps and paint bloches into the center to bring it focus. I enjoyed the warm pallet. *Note the size of this canvas. The 1" is for the depth. It is a unique size that showcases it nicely on a wall without being framed.


Title: Collage. Status: FOR SALE! Price: $40.00. Dimensions: 18"x20". About: I had just purchased these new colors and was dying to try them out. I use old, felt ornaments I had found for the patterened flowers and white paint with markers for the second set.

Black Tree

Title: Black Tree. Status: For Display Only! Dimensions: 48"x18". About: So, I've been enjoying the use of my pallet knife and needed something with natural colors for above my couch. The tree just ended up developing from this background, creating an interesting contrast.