Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ripple Effect

Title: Ripple Effect. Status: FOR SALE! Price: $50.00. Dimensions: 20"x24". About: This painting I loved doing! I used a pallet knife for the background, and continued on the theme of white paint. I also applied a paint marker to get the dynamic pink.


Title: Random. Status: FOR SALE! Price: $20.00. Dimensions: 8"x10". About: So, I don't usually paint on canvas this small, but I got inspired. Again, using Chihuly, I was attempting to create soemthing people could enjoy on a smaller scale.


Title: Inspiration. Status: FOR SALE! Price: $30.00. Dimensions: 16"x20"About: Again being inspired by Chihuly. This time I choose to create my own version of his chandelier sketches.